There aren't words to cover what is happening in the USA today.
But there was a phone camera capturing irrefutable evidence.
George Floyd deserves justice.
Just as we have to Say His Name, we have got to start calling it what it is:
People are not killed 'because they are black'.
People are killing black people because they believe that black life is worth less than white life.
And the officers who are supposed to 'protect and serve' are often the worst perpetrators.
George Floyd's last words were, 'I can't breathe', just like Eric Garner in 2014.
6 years between the same three words.
Yasmeen Abdulla, a 26-year-old medical student who lives in the neighbourhood, “People have been dying in police brutality. They want justice.”
He said while the names of the police’s victims varied, there was one constant.
He said:
“The names are different but they are always the same colour.”
Please sign below petition, it was created by Kellen S. [a fifteen-year-old girl in Oregon] and is asking everyone to honour George Floyd's life by demanding change surrounding his death.
We have to call it what it is.
There is more we can do to support racial equality.
Black Lives Matter. Black Futures Matter.
The people who are dying do not have the same protection and, by large, the people who are dying are not white.
“Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
For an overview of recent activity and resources for further education:
Resources and Places to Donate:
In the US
In the UK