Born in good ol' Midlands UK, I once wanted to change the world by doing something science-y, right up until further Physics...
I dodged that bullet and took Art & Graphic Design instead.
I went to University to specialise in Theatre Design.
I love to know how things run behind the scenes; theatre, graphics, the human psyche - what we see is never all there is
I've worked with wonderful people all over the UK and then mozied on out back to the back-end of nowhere instead of a big city. The wealth of city jobs be damned*
My style is a mish-mash of all of my experience.
It's kind of behind-the-scene-performance-art in graphics and illustration. In projects, I care about what the target audience likes but I want to know what makes them tick before I put pen to paper.
Mouse click to mousepad...
Paintbrush to paint canvas... You get it
My love for literature and art and the puzzle of human behaviour keeps me drawing the weird and wonderful.
*[addendum, March 2020] Remote working is totally in right now.
Illustration of 'Perceiver of Pain'
Inner Pages
Commissioned Work of Kumamoto Castle
Ever since I committed to Design as a career, I have been told it must be "lots of fun"
In reality, it's hard work.
There is thought at the centre of everything.
There is skill at the front of it all and practice behind the scenes to stay on top of development.
Design is fun, but fun and easy are not synonyms!
I post the things I write on here because I think squirrelling them away on another site would be a waste.
Why not show the thought behind it all?
Why Do You Have Your WRITINGS
on Here?
Design Shop
Why The Squid? >
I opened a Shop!
Full of beautiful illustrations from life and some wild thoughts I had.
Mostly small gifts and home-decor orientated, now you can purchase my wares directly from me!
Why The Squid Logo?
I just liked his friendly little face